Sunday, 25 September 2011

Iceketball? Hockeyket? Tennisjump? Create a game with #MiloCansNextGame and win RM10K!

Iceketball? Hockeyket? Tennisjump? Create a game with #MiloCansNextGame and win RM10K!

Bored of futsal, badminton, or regular sports?

J.K. Rowling’s creative mind made her create “Quidditch”, a game played on broomsticks and it came to life on the movie screen. Let’s see how creative you can get at creating a game, and win prizes worth RM 50,000!

Milo Cans want to give away RM 10,000 cash and branded tablets! All you gotta do is create a game that people can play in a tournament! The more wacky and unique it is, the better! You could be jumping around in sacks swirling around a hula hoop, as long as it has a purpose, the better. Create a game the world has never seen before!

----> seriously. i am a huge Milo fan. i can eat it straight out of the can. True Story. Dont tell my mum tho. she doesnt know that im the contributor behind the need for constant grocery shopping :P

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Eating Dis-order.

oh yeah, im so about to talk about my eating disorder of eating this food in large amount.dont worry,i wont give out recipe that is hard to prepare a la' no-nonsense masterchef or junior masterchef will prepare. those who know and master the art of cooking it please just shut up and read silently with an aching heart(i know youre itching to correct me).

tried and tested (and edible).

Rojak ( Malaysian Salad)
preparation time: 20 minutes
cooking time : 10 minutes

Main ingredients:

- 1 cucumber (sliced)
- 1/2 pineapple (sliced)
- 1 turnip
- 2-3 mangoes
- 1/2 small papayas (sliced)
- 4 oz /120 g kangkung/water convolvulus (parboiled in salted water)
- 4 oz/120 g bean sprouts (parboiled)
- 2 cakes tauhu pok/ dried bean curd (sliced)
-1/2 cup / 80 g groundnuts (roasted and pounded coarsely
- 1 tbsp roasted sesame seeds
*those labelled (parboiled) should be parboiled. i dont wanna claim your insurance money in case....*knocks on wood**

Sauce ingredient:

-6 fresh chillies ,1/2 piece belacan (pounded together)
- 1 1/2 tsp castor sugar
- 4 limes (juice)
- 1 tbs 'heiko'/ prawn paste
- a little salt
- 1 tbsp tamarind, 1/4-1/2 cup/ 60-120 ml water (mix and squeeze out juice)

*actually, if youre lazy, you can buy the ready made rojak sauce. but if you have extra time, rather than watching The Housewives of New Jerseys, do make the sauce on your own for extra entertainment and pleasure of flexing your muscles pounding stuff.*

1. Arrange the vegetables, fruits and tauhu pok on a serving dish. Mix all the ingredients for sauce in a mixing bowl. Pour into a small sauce bowl.
2. Mix vegetables, fruits, and tauhu pom with the sauce just before serving. Sprinkle roasted peanuts and sesame seeds GENEROUSLY. Serve immediately.

Tip: you can also add lightly grilled yor char kway/ Chinese crullers

the end result should look like this (OR EVEN BETTER) :

mine was slapdashly done it better for the sake of humanity. ciao.

mundane madness

trivial photos makes my day. dont roll your eyes cos you do it too.

Brother's ipad was safeguarded when bought. Tight security

everybody loves Domo.

Hello Kitty wants

dim sum din-dins while eating out

how to mail jks, we were trying to assimilate self in threesome

friend bought me a shot glass from london! <3

tried a new make up style

care packages!

we all turn to this when all else fail!

i wish to see the world in a rosy pink kinda state

my mop-top keychain.ze furriness

thats pretty much sums up my life in three weeks. beach, coffee, party, project papers,and more coffee, on repeats. will blog on more smartass, scientific schtuff soon. "XoXo"-in a gossip girl kinda way


Dear Wife, I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone. Your EX-Husband P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
—— ...
Dear Ex-Husband, Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care. Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free! P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem

----->i saw this somewhere at the inter webs.epic LOL'D 

Thursday, 22 September 2011

What’s your ideal sports game? Let’s create a game with #MiloCansNextGame to win RM 10K!

What’s your ideal sports game? Let’s create a game with #MiloCansNextGame to win RM 10K!

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Bored of futsal, badminton, or regular sports?

J.K. Rowling’s creative mind made her create “Quidditch”, a game played on broomsticks and it came to life on the movie screen. Let’s see how creative you can get at creating a game, and win prizes worth RM 50,000!

Milo Cans want to give away RM 10,000 cash and branded tablets! All you gotta do is create a game that people can play in a tournament! The more wacky and unique it is, the better! You could be jumping around in sacks swirling around a hula hoop, as long as it has a purpose, the better. Create a game the world has never seen before!

milo is something that is always nostalgic for me. never fails to remind me of my childhood years. <3 :)

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

How To Shorten Your Life By A Year

lots of things happen lately, makes me want to blog on serious stuff. by 'lots of things' , i mean fb-stalking, reading, eating, sleeping and pooping. oh, and dealing w/ gazillions of assignment. lets get serious-ing.


1. Are 10 Pounds overweight. the newest way to check it is by measuring your neck. if it's under 37cm for man or under 34cm for woman, you're not overweight, say Israeli doctors. but if you have over 50 cm neck circumference, consult with yr doctor, because you're transforming into a giraffe.

heard rumor that she's getting fat. if she's fat. but she looks exactly fine to me

2. Don't Have a Pet. When heart doctors followed a group-of-heart-attack-sufferers,they found that having a dog, cat, or even goldfish increased their chance of being alive one year later by nearly five times. Healthy pet owners live longer too. if you currently dont have a pet, adopt your neighbor.
this is my sister's dog, Becky

3. Hang Out With Smokers. Passive smoking shortens your life - in fact, if you spend a night in a smoky room, it is estimated you inhale the equivalent of four cigarettes and each cigarette you smoke knocks out 11 minutes of your life. You do the next time your bro wanna have a ciggie, ask him to smoke unfiltered exhaust fume instead.
Smoking is so UNCOOL

4. Neglect Your Dental Hygiene. According to Dr Micheal Roizen, author of Real Age, flossing your teeth reduces your risk of heart disease as the bacteria that causes gum disease also contributes to furring of the arteries. plus, your girlfriend might not wanna kiss you if you dont floss. this is fatal.
Ryan's camera friendly set of teeth
there is another simple way , suicide. but elaborating on that will take much time, and its hella messy w/ the dagger and shiny stuff. maybe next time. ciao

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Octopuns: #79 - Safety

Octopuns: #79 - Safety: To fully understand this comic, you're going need to have a pretty thorough knowledge of a game called Super Mario. God. they are funny. Google them, or simply click this link. <3

stand a chance to win prizes and HTC Cha-Cha by casting a vote.WARNING:today's topic is super interesting ;) - #HTCLikeItPushIt

easy, cast your vote, and you might win prizes. not to forget that Cha Cha ;D
click link below to cha-cha and away

stand a chance to win prizes and HTC Cha-Cha by casting a vote.WARNING:today's topic is super interesting ;) - #HTCLikeItPushIt

Saturday, 10 September 2011


friend and i come up with a serious and smartass discussion to while drinking at a mamak stall recently. i mean dont we all add label to people?we were bitching on his boyfriend at that were bit .but when labels such as 'hunk' , 'babe' or 'rat' just dont quite accurately describe him, use this shorthand guide to modern them.

--- > MILF (MAN I"D LOVE TO FLOSS) category 

1. PG (Probably Gay)

this is a living proof

if he's handsome, clever, funny, single and utterly uninterested in you, he gets a PG rating. Yes, politically incorrect. And no, it's never 100 percent accurate. of course, it's not fair, but eggs must be preserved.

2. SIS (Stud In Spandex)
oh boi
a gym predator who peacocks in front of the full length mirror, the SIS only pauses to run his eyes over you as you hoist those three-pound weights. he's got the body of a god and the mind of a sea sponge. his interest lies in swapping sweat, not knowledge. and my goodness, he has dubious taste in gymwear.

3. PUP (Pick Up Potential)

A PUP is anyone you deem worthy of your attention. For example, you see a PUP on the running machine at the gym and you consider asking him out for a post-workout fruit juice. 

4. IBM ( Ideal Breeding Material)
M(man)ILF material
as soon as you clap eyes on an IBM , you start calculating your possible genetic combinations, and then start visualising what your child would look like if he was your father.

5. BOOR (Babe Out Of Reach)

The average looking man who gently wipes the ketchup off his young child's clothes becomes a BOOR - instantly sexy because, sadlly, he's not available.

6. OOTL (One Of the Lads)
When it's just you and him in the dimly lit Italian restaurant, he is a joy to be with. Sadly though, this is a rare occurence. Why? because he spends 99.9 percent of his time boozing and marauding with the boys and when they get the beers down, they turn into complete hooligans. You soon realise that, were you to marry, they'd join you on the honeymoon.

that is all for the time being. further research is being done.result may vary.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Like them short but which? Miniskirts vs Hot Pants! Vote! #HTCLikeItPushIt

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Push this Facebook button wild!

Be a part of this movement - HTC Like it. Push it. Share what you like with a push of a button on the HTC ChaCha.

Today’s daily topic is: Miniskirt vs Hot Pants

‘Like’ which you prefer and you’ll be in the running to win GSC movie tickets or the ultimate grand prize - HTC ChaCha phone! Get your friends to ‘like’ which they prefer too by sharing it on your Facebook wall. And also do remember to complete a slogan with the tagline “Like it, Push it.”.

Now you’ll be in the running to be the first with the news, chatting up with your friends and exude the cool factor, all and only with a HTC ChaCha at the grasp of your hand.

On your way to win your very own HTC?click the link below! :D
Like them short but which? Miniskirts vs Hot Pants! Vote! #HTCLikeItPushIt

Social climbers, you’ve got to own this phone. Join #MaxisHTCChaCha . contest & u may just win one! :D

if you need variation and you know, jazzing up being kewl people who dont own any Apple products, clickity here to find out more on new Androids!
and you might have the chance to win yourself a HTC Cha Cha! <3
The Android™ Connection – Devices and packages | Maxis

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Win A HTC Cha Cha today!

This is a phone for Facebook lovers, a brilliant combination of a phone and social media. Clutch it, want it, because it is dedicated to Facebook. There’s even a button for it!

So quick join Maxis Social Climber, win this phone and keep yourself connected at all times! Join this contest now.

Social climbers, you’ve got to own this phone. Join #MaxisHTCChaCha . contest & u may just win one! :D

Love that car. just discovered the meaning behind ‘Das Auto.’ #VWDasAutoKL herbie fully loader love bug car. :P

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Das Auto - the past, present and our future.

Do we truly appreciate the vehicle we travel in?

The brilliance of building a car has gone unnoticed, underwhelmed and often known as a new toy to play with. Most of us disregard each pieces and each person that forms the car that we drive today.

Volkswagen, it is the past, present and in our future. A brand that builds The Car. Appreciate it in a unique and dynamic one-of-a-kind Dome with your family and friends as it showcases what goes on under the hood and of course, what Volkswagen has became.

Now you'll know why they call it “The Car.” (Das Auto.).
CLICK HERE to find out more :)

Love that car. just discovered the meaning behind ‘Das Auto.’ #VWDasAutoKL herbie fully loaded love bug car. :P

Thursday, 8 September 2011


its legal. the Legally Blonde star was hit by a car while jogging by an octogenarian.a farking  84 years old grandma.Actress Reese Witherspoon was treated in hospital in the US on Wednesday for minor injuries after she was involved in a traffic accident. prolly fun after getting hit from her spoon all the time. ;P copied from --->

Reese Witherspoon hit by car
Reese WitherspoonHospitalised ... Reese Witherspoon injured in traffic accident.

  • Santa Monica police officer Richard Lewis says the Oscar-winning actress was hit by a car driven by an 84-year-old woman.Witherspoon was jogging in  Santa Monica when the driver struck her at a speed of about 32km/h. The 35-year-old actress was taken to a local hospital for treatment.Witherspoon's representative told that the actress was not seriously hurt and following her release from hospital, she was "resting comfortably at home".Witherspoon is the mother of two children, Ava, 12, and Deacon, 8, from her marriage to Ryan Phillippe. The couple were divorced in 2007 and she married Hollywood agent Jim Toth earlier this year. Meanwhile, she has revealed her difficulties with single motherhood in an interview with M arie Claire magazine.She said she found the break-up of her first marriage "really traumatic" and was concerned about how the split would affect her young children."I was hard on myself when I got divorced," she told Marie Claire."And until I got remarried, I don't think I realised how stressed I was. I don't think I recognised how anxious I was about being a single parent."But life with her new husband is much more relaxed, says the actress, with Toth proving a "wonderful" step-father to her children.In her single days, Witherspoon feared she'd never find a partner who would love her children as well, the actress admitted."Somebody close to me once said, 'Oh no man will ever accept your children.' And I just thought it was the most horrifying thing someone has every said to me in my entire life," she said."Now I feel a great sense of relief and an incredible amount of support from my husband. I got very lucky and he's wonderful. And so wonderful with my children. I'm very blessed."Witherspoon won the best actress Oscar for her portrayal of June Carter in the 2005 film Walk The Line.
-----> but, seriously, people got hit all the time. what are the odds? :/

Bloggers without Borders are back frm foreign lands! #nowyoucan retrace their journey & find out how it went!

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Bloggers without borders are back from their trip! Time to recap!

They tweeted about their adventures and posted many updates and pictures, all made possible with Hotlink’s Prepaid Data Roaming service.

So, did they accomplish their entire ‘to-see/do list’ as planned by you?

Check out the videos of the bloggers while they were enjoying their week abroad and doing the activities as voted by you!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

the skinniest,skimpiest phone #CelcomBB9900 is up for grab at only RM1288! :0

the skinniest,skimpiest phone #CelcomBB9900 is up for grab at only RM1288! :0

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Work hard on this gadget!

Deliver your work on time whilst keeping your social life. Why work hard earning big bucks if there’s no one to celebrate with at the end of the day, right?

Celcom’s introducing the LATEST BlackBerry Bold 9900! It is a bargain with packages starting at RM1,288! This thinnest BlackBerry includes the new OS 7, 5MP camera with 720p HD video recording. Its best feature? A full QWERTY keyboard as well as a touch screen display!

This is an offer too hard to resist!

Dread being called kakak, kak chik, or mrs when you're out and about? #OlayTotalEffects is sure to come to rescue! YAYY! *jumps arnd nekkid*

Dread being called kakak, kak chik, or mrs when you're out and about? #OlayTotalEffects is sure to come to rescue! YAYY! *jumps arnd nekkid*


i am so happy i made it to the Glitterati hall-of-fame. after all the toils and turmoils, i made it!. lol, no, what actually happen less in a week. so proud of myself for keep typing out my thoughts and opinions out and for being hardworking in hijacking my cameras and phone cameras to create a post. its so fucking hard. NOT. come join me, and put ourselves literally in the inter webs. :D

On the side note, i am also part of DIGI angels community! glad to be one of those kewl kid now. *flips hair like crazy*


w/ the recent Taiwan sweets frenziness #ZenQ #MilkADeal offered rock bottom prices food for the sweet-suckers. &lt;3

im so getting a sugary-gasm looking at their store. seriously, with prices that low, youre so uncool not going there! :P

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Sweet tooth darlings, this is for you.

MAD Deal of the Day: RM10 instead of RM18.30 for 3 Traditional Handmade Desserts at ZenQ Desserts, Sunway Pyramid. HALAL.

Everyone is going after Taiwan traditional desserts!!

So here's a deal that'll help lighten your pockets. Share this delicious sweet treats with your friends as this deal comes in 3!

Monday, 5 September 2011

I just took ChurpChurp How Malaysian Are You Quiz and I'm 90% Malaysian! Take the quiz to see How Malaysian Are You.

I just took ChurpChurp How Malaysian Are You Quiz and I'm 90% Malaysian! Take the quiz to see How Malaysian Are You.

Yeah right. i should have gotten a perfect score. i mis-clicked it!this is all my fat fingers fault! *stomps feet!*

beat me if you can! :P

Sunday, 4 September 2011


if you think that you can stomach stale bread. think again...

you can stomach that?your mum must be proud of you. Lets move on to level 2,

You really are something. To be honest, i honestly think that he looks like Lionel Richie being gaga-fied. One of my friend posted his picture in twitter, and i thought it was the real lionel at first (if its not for that 'turban/loincloth/adult diapers/whatever it is'  on his head). 

Well, i am not least there is people in the same parallel universe, sharing the same eccentric eyeballs as mine (though im not proud of it)..

this is copied and pasted(unabashedly) from ---->

'Jersey Shore' on Jay Leno quiz bowl: Muammar Gaddafi = Lionel Richie; Cheney almost shot Bush over turkey

mike.jpgMike "The Situation" Sorrentino turned out to the brains of "Jersey Shore," capturing the win in Jay Leno's "Battle of Celebrity All-Stars: Jersey Shore edition."
The "Jersey Shore" crew's domination of pop culture continues apace with an appearance byMike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Pauly Delvecchio on "Jay Leno" to compete in Leno's celebrity quiz bowl.
It came as no surprise to me that The Situation is the brains of the bunch. I mean, he came up with that nickname. He managed to score points by correctly identifying Joe BidenThomas Edison, and Pope Benedict XVI. "I'm going with five," he tells Leno." Bzzzz. "Seven." Bzzzz. "Nine?" Bzzz. "You're serious? Thirteen?" Bzzzz. "Get outta here."
Snooki couldn't identify Marconi, say where the United Nations was headquartered (but when given a couple of hints, offered up Albany), and thinks Dick Cheney almost shot Bush during that fateful quail hunt. Presented with a photo the Supreme Court justices, Pauly D mused that they had to be "big-time" because "they got nice shoes."
They all failed miserably on the New Jersey questions (including knowing who Ol' Blue Eyes was), which should come as no surprise BECAUSE NONE OF THEM ARE ACTUALLY FROM NEW JERSEY(though Mike did go to high school in Manasquan, so go Jersey public education).
Yeah. i know rightttt.i dont know if you watch the show, but im not a fan of Jersey Shore. this is not even considered as my trashy guilty pleasure. now you know my weakness. i am sure you are planning of torturing me by locking me in a room with a big screen that airs Jersey Shore marathon. But, i like them personally. yes, you can roll your eyes all you want . they are human beings too (aside from that fake tanned..or STER*cough*OIDS..just sayin'). and they have that self-realisation to make self as tv and entertainment industry - friendly by being beefcakes and being an as*hole.
On the other hand, back to the one hand, your ultimate african grandeur,and hero of the year,(yes, i know your weakness) HIM, the man of the year. Hell hag cries, its time, its tiiiime (in a high pitched voice)! 
this is him before plastic surgery

by this time, the surgeon prolly had giving him flyers on rhinoplasty and chicken neck


By this time, that plastic surgeon sure is laughing his way to the bank

Im not gonna report on the Sub-Saharan issue or whatever it is that happening there. its too cliche and unfashionable (actually i dont want my house to be terrorized by random guerrila ala Counter Strike game). my point of the day is, Muammar Gaddafi has the uncanny resemblance of Lionel Richie. 
On the side note, i want to dress up as Gaddafi this Halloween. Dibs!!! 
STEP 1. WEAR CHEESY OR CORNY OUTFIT. the trick is, pick any sleeping robe from your mum's wardrobe. it's vintage season now.  
or if you 're game enough, try to pull the look like this kid
STEP 2. WEAR YOUR BLING- BLING. The trick is to make yourself look like not yourself. you might wanna shower and scrub yourself with glitters. Trick : remember to put extra on the greasy part of your body -at the back of your ears,behind the knees and your sweaty,hairy armpits  

STEP 3. EAT ALL YOUR EXPIRED PRESCRIPTION, MEDICINE AND VIAGRA.  (OPTIONAL: detergent / your pee )In order to achieve that 'stiff-i-have-no-emotion-whatsoever-visage', you now have to up the game. beat all those roofied neighborhood hooligans.

STEP 4. DO NoT EXPRESS ANY EMOTION.i have to admit. this is hard. harder than that Angry Bird game. you have to raise the bar by doing extra research to google his expression in court. imitate it and practice in front of the mirror for optimum result. 
STEP 5. PRACTICE MORE.practice makes perfect.
STEP 6. WEAR DIAPERS OR GRANNY PANTIES ON YOUR HEAD (optional : adult diapers / banana leaves ). easy. wear any of your old frayed panties collection(to maximize the result, use the unwashed ones).The nastier, the better since you have more room for air ventilation to halt the production of dandruff on your scalp. i know you have that fetish of sniffin good old pair of, yes, YOU. all you need to do is, wrap your head with it. Trick : it must be done with love . stick bobby pins if necessary

nah, i know you want more option

pick any color of your choice. you might wanna wear all to achieve that 'colour-blocking' look.

this is hazard to the society. United Nations Peacekeeper might intervene.


Thats it for today. i are ze sleepeh and are ze zombified. MUST SLEEP.see you on Halloween. :D

Saturday, 3 September 2011


i found a very disturbing news while gallivanting through Yahoo News lately. Do you know the blonde cheerleader girl from Glee? yes, her. lookile belowww----->

'Glee' star latest fashion victim in offensive shoot. Black and blue is not the new black.

Photo of Glee&#39;s Heather Morris by Tyler Shields
Photo of Glee's Heather Morris by Tyler Shields
What is it about bruises that fashion photographers find so sexy? The latest attempt to court controversy comes from photographer Tyler Shields and his subject, Glee actress Heather Morris. In a series of art-directed shots on his website, Morris poses with a painted-on black eye and a clothing iron, in a whimsical 1950's dress.

 "Even Barbie gets bruises," writes Shields on his blog, where he's hawking 100 limited edition prints from the shoot.

More shocking than the photos' light-hearted depiction of domestic violence, is the de ja vu factor. Haven't we seen this before, like, a lot? Only a few weeks ago, we were talking about a Salon ad with a photo of a bruised model. And before that, a handful of high fashion campaigns featuring women being beaten, bruised,and impaled. Domestic violence, it seems, has become the surefire way to get your fashion spread to stand out.

"In no way were we promoting domestic violence," Shields tells E! News. "We wanted to do a bruised-up Barbie shoot and that's exactly what we did!"

In other words, no! but also yes. Isn't turning a young actress into a doll enough of a talker without also beating her up? At this point, it's not even worth a debate to add more fuel to the fire. What needs to happen is an internal snub from the fashion industry to assert that that kind of attention-baiting is unacceptable. It's become an industry-standard publicity measure, and one that wouldn't fly in any other field. Fashion thrives on controversy, but abuse against women isn't even controversial, it's just off limits.

Moral compass rule: You just shouldn't use deeply painful subjects like violence, abuse, or slavery (ahem,Vogue Italia)  to sell your surface, expensive product. If that doesn't work, make-up artists, designers, photographers, and ad execs should consider this: bruises, burns, and scrapes don't make people want to buy things.

Here's a look at Tyler' Shields' bruised "Barbie" photos of Morris:

Closeup of Heather Morris with a painted-on black eye
Closeup of Heather Morris with a painted-on black eye

Morris takes a drink from the curious prop.
Morris takes a drink from the curious prop.

Morris on the ironing board, with the painted-on black eye
Morris poses on an ironing board, with the painted-on black eye

----hurm what do i think?its not a big happens all the time..make up gone wrong is everywhere (myself included). i  mean America's Next Top Model sure had had more provocative shots. ,you should have seen my lecturer. they much more amazing and dramatic eye make up that looks like theyve been batterred by all the WWE people simultaneously (sorry teacer, your make-up is tnat bad!).
what do you think? (tho i find the makeup as puurreeety :D)