Sunday, 4 September 2011


if you think that you can stomach stale bread. think again...

you can stomach that?your mum must be proud of you. Lets move on to level 2,

You really are something. To be honest, i honestly think that he looks like Lionel Richie being gaga-fied. One of my friend posted his picture in twitter, and i thought it was the real lionel at first (if its not for that 'turban/loincloth/adult diapers/whatever it is'  on his head). 

Well, i am not least there is people in the same parallel universe, sharing the same eccentric eyeballs as mine (though im not proud of it)..

this is copied and pasted(unabashedly) from ---->

'Jersey Shore' on Jay Leno quiz bowl: Muammar Gaddafi = Lionel Richie; Cheney almost shot Bush over turkey

mike.jpgMike "The Situation" Sorrentino turned out to the brains of "Jersey Shore," capturing the win in Jay Leno's "Battle of Celebrity All-Stars: Jersey Shore edition."
The "Jersey Shore" crew's domination of pop culture continues apace with an appearance byMike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Pauly Delvecchio on "Jay Leno" to compete in Leno's celebrity quiz bowl.
It came as no surprise to me that The Situation is the brains of the bunch. I mean, he came up with that nickname. He managed to score points by correctly identifying Joe BidenThomas Edison, and Pope Benedict XVI. "I'm going with five," he tells Leno." Bzzzz. "Seven." Bzzzz. "Nine?" Bzzz. "You're serious? Thirteen?" Bzzzz. "Get outta here."
Snooki couldn't identify Marconi, say where the United Nations was headquartered (but when given a couple of hints, offered up Albany), and thinks Dick Cheney almost shot Bush during that fateful quail hunt. Presented with a photo the Supreme Court justices, Pauly D mused that they had to be "big-time" because "they got nice shoes."
They all failed miserably on the New Jersey questions (including knowing who Ol' Blue Eyes was), which should come as no surprise BECAUSE NONE OF THEM ARE ACTUALLY FROM NEW JERSEY(though Mike did go to high school in Manasquan, so go Jersey public education).
Yeah. i know rightttt.i dont know if you watch the show, but im not a fan of Jersey Shore. this is not even considered as my trashy guilty pleasure. now you know my weakness. i am sure you are planning of torturing me by locking me in a room with a big screen that airs Jersey Shore marathon. But, i like them personally. yes, you can roll your eyes all you want . they are human beings too (aside from that fake tanned..or STER*cough*OIDS..just sayin'). and they have that self-realisation to make self as tv and entertainment industry - friendly by being beefcakes and being an as*hole.
On the other hand, back to the one hand, your ultimate african grandeur,and hero of the year,(yes, i know your weakness) HIM, the man of the year. Hell hag cries, its time, its tiiiime (in a high pitched voice)! 
this is him before plastic surgery

by this time, the surgeon prolly had giving him flyers on rhinoplasty and chicken neck


By this time, that plastic surgeon sure is laughing his way to the bank

Im not gonna report on the Sub-Saharan issue or whatever it is that happening there. its too cliche and unfashionable (actually i dont want my house to be terrorized by random guerrila ala Counter Strike game). my point of the day is, Muammar Gaddafi has the uncanny resemblance of Lionel Richie. 
On the side note, i want to dress up as Gaddafi this Halloween. Dibs!!! 
STEP 1. WEAR CHEESY OR CORNY OUTFIT. the trick is, pick any sleeping robe from your mum's wardrobe. it's vintage season now.  
or if you 're game enough, try to pull the look like this kid
STEP 2. WEAR YOUR BLING- BLING. The trick is to make yourself look like not yourself. you might wanna shower and scrub yourself with glitters. Trick : remember to put extra on the greasy part of your body -at the back of your ears,behind the knees and your sweaty,hairy armpits  

STEP 3. EAT ALL YOUR EXPIRED PRESCRIPTION, MEDICINE AND VIAGRA.  (OPTIONAL: detergent / your pee )In order to achieve that 'stiff-i-have-no-emotion-whatsoever-visage', you now have to up the game. beat all those roofied neighborhood hooligans.

STEP 4. DO NoT EXPRESS ANY EMOTION.i have to admit. this is hard. harder than that Angry Bird game. you have to raise the bar by doing extra research to google his expression in court. imitate it and practice in front of the mirror for optimum result. 
STEP 5. PRACTICE MORE.practice makes perfect.
STEP 6. WEAR DIAPERS OR GRANNY PANTIES ON YOUR HEAD (optional : adult diapers / banana leaves ). easy. wear any of your old frayed panties collection(to maximize the result, use the unwashed ones).The nastier, the better since you have more room for air ventilation to halt the production of dandruff on your scalp. i know you have that fetish of sniffin good old pair of, yes, YOU. all you need to do is, wrap your head with it. Trick : it must be done with love . stick bobby pins if necessary

nah, i know you want more option

pick any color of your choice. you might wanna wear all to achieve that 'colour-blocking' look.

this is hazard to the society. United Nations Peacekeeper might intervene.


Thats it for today. i are ze sleepeh and are ze zombified. MUST SLEEP.see you on Halloween. :D