Tuesday, 20 September 2011

How To Shorten Your Life By A Year

lots of things happen lately, makes me want to blog on serious stuff. by 'lots of things' , i mean fb-stalking, reading, eating, sleeping and pooping. oh, and dealing w/ gazillions of assignment. lets get serious-ing.


1. Are 10 Pounds overweight. the newest way to check it is by measuring your neck. if it's under 37cm for man or under 34cm for woman, you're not overweight, say Israeli doctors. but if you have over 50 cm neck circumference, consult with yr doctor, because you're transforming into a giraffe.

heard rumor that she's getting fat. if she's fat. but she looks exactly fine to me

2. Don't Have a Pet. When heart doctors followed a group-of-heart-attack-sufferers,they found that having a dog, cat, or even goldfish increased their chance of being alive one year later by nearly five times. Healthy pet owners live longer too. if you currently dont have a pet, adopt your neighbor.
this is my sister's dog, Becky

3. Hang Out With Smokers. Passive smoking shortens your life - in fact, if you spend a night in a smoky room, it is estimated you inhale the equivalent of four cigarettes and each cigarette you smoke knocks out 11 minutes of your life. You do the math..so next time your bro wanna have a ciggie, ask him to smoke unfiltered exhaust fume instead.
Smoking is so UNCOOL

4. Neglect Your Dental Hygiene. According to Dr Micheal Roizen, author of Real Age, flossing your teeth reduces your risk of heart disease as the bacteria that causes gum disease also contributes to furring of the arteries. plus, your girlfriend might not wanna kiss you if you dont floss. this is fatal.
Ryan's camera friendly set of teeth
there is another simple way , suicide. but elaborating on that will take much time, and its hella messy w/ the dagger and shiny stuff. maybe next time. ciao