Saturday, 24 September 2011

mundane madness

trivial photos makes my day. dont roll your eyes cos you do it too.

Brother's ipad was safeguarded when bought. Tight security

everybody loves Domo.

Hello Kitty wants

dim sum din-dins while eating out

how to mail jks, we were trying to assimilate self in threesome

friend bought me a shot glass from london! <3

tried a new make up style

care packages!

we all turn to this when all else fail!

i wish to see the world in a rosy pink kinda state

my mop-top keychain.ze furriness

thats pretty much sums up my life in three weeks. beach, coffee, party, project papers,and more coffee, on repeats. will blog on more smartass, scientific schtuff soon. "XoXo"-in a gossip girl kinda way