Monday, 16 July 2012

The Power of Television

So this is pretty late i know, but i still want to post things about this matter. So about a month ago,evil thing had happened.well, i live in kk. of course i heard the story from all directions and the hiatus behind it. the brouhaha about the man who toppled and smashed electronic devices at SenQ's outlet here in kk was quite scary, thrilling and crazy. like its directed by Micheal Bay or something. if you cannot imagine it, it's pretty much like Grand Theft Auto game, but its in the real-world, with real people.
 i've heard stories,but, you know, local people tend to be biased and some people have the literary creativity to exaggerate stuff. but from what i know, SenQ is quite an established name in Malaysia with its reasonable and affordable goods.

 I've also heard about skeptic remarks and doubts that come with the brand as well.

These are some of SenQ's Products, just so you know.

Yesterday, i went to Karamunsing mall to but stationary and printer inkjets at the second floor,so i did passed by the place and i think the place looks normal to me.I think the number of workers have increased, which is wise of them. Increasing the level of security is vital, not only for SenQ, but also to other shops as well too. This event should be a reminder to us that things happened, and we should always be prepared. Theres a lot of interesting malls, shops and places in Kota Kinabalu but,seriously, the level of security are not good enough,me thinks. People should also learn about the norms of the society and behave appropriately at public places. you dont just go a-rampage, flipping away on other poeple's property like Freddy Kruger on steroids. Oh well, living in Kota Kinabalu is quite stressful, i understand that, but please, attend anger management class, participate in 7K charity run, or try something like Durian Eating Competition to alleviate and channel your stress level.
But still. since im not at the scene at that time i do not own the right to say anything. Only God knows.